FAQ page creation extension for the Joomla platform

The module is intuitively designed, helping you compile "Frequently Asked Questions" as easily as possible. This extension works as a module, so you can display it anywhere or insert it into article.

Highlight Functions:

  1. Two layouts: Accordion and List
  2. Unlimited Category and Questions.
  3. Support search bar
  4. Allow HTML tag
  5. Custom CSS
* This module is compatible with Joomla 2.5, 3.x, 4.x and 5.

After installing the module, go to Module Management > FAQ Widget to get started. Next step, you enter content including questions and answers.

Next step, set the remaining advanced parameters (optional).

The final step is to choose a position to display it. To insert this module into your article, you can refer to here: https://tinyurl.com/52xjp33x

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